Embed VS Inspire
Embed. Really? This word gets used a lot in change management. Embedding Values. Embedding Behaviours. But what does this actually mean? What are we actually intending? Embed, literally means to put into bed. Do we have a program chip embedded in us? Are we allowing employers to download a belief system to make us behave […]
Be You
By being you You niche your market And that is perfect. Be brave. Be highly efficient. Being efficient – is about standing in your truth and attracting ‘like energy’ So you can build your Brand Energy with ‘like’. So your Brand reflects who you are. (Your Brand becomes who you attract). So you are […]
Explore Your Perspective
Opinions can divide Opinions can challenge Opinions can stake out mental and moral real estate Opinions when held onto too tightly can be exclusive and abusive. Questions are opening Listening is allowing Intuition is guiding Wonder is inviting, And an intention to understand is inclusive and compassionate. Explore the perspectives of your world […]
If only I had more time I would… Well, now you have. WOW! It’s what you’ve always wanted! So how are you going to spend it? My choice is this – to embrace this time, this present, with love. This time is a gift. This present. This – no expectation to do anything or go […]
Get Clear For This Year!
Our thoughts and daily banter can take a lot of energy. We use energy to think, solve issues, navigate situations and process emotions. The majority of times we just automatically engage, churn and process – unconsciously using energy. But, if we can clear our mind and become more considered, aware and focussed (more conscious) – […]
Who Are We?
Successful business relies on successful relationships and every relationship in our business starts with us (whether we are a solopreneur or business team). We are the first value of any relationship. WHO WE ARE – is the first thing customers come into contact with before they connect with our Product. WHO WE ARE – wraps […]
Why Facilitate?
I had an interesting discussion with a fellow consultant, who asked, “so why do you facilitate”? He went on to share that he gets invited into businesses and asked his opinion, and he has worked out over the years that these CEO’s only want one of two answers 1 – Some genuinely want to know […]
Are you Activating your Awareness?
A Conscious Business activates its awareness in everything it does, and therefore a Conscious Business is only for the strong of heart and strong of spirit. It’s the nature of life to test us on our journey. Our success in life and business is determined by our awareness of who we are. With our awareness […]
Business is Always Personal
Have you heard the saying Oh it’s just business – it isn’t personal? Well, this is never true. Business is always personal. Business is a value exchange between people. Business exists to serve customers and all of its stakeholders, or as I like to call them energyholders. It’s through our outer service to customers and […]
Our Product is Created by WHO we are
Why do we need to determine who we are as a business? Why can’t we just go out there and sell our Product? Because our Product is created by who we are, whether ‘we’ – are a solopreneur or a team. Our Product is the product of (the manifestation, expression and reflection of) everyone who […]