I am not a fan of Values shopping, where we are given a list of words
and asked to pick those ‘Values’ that resonate with us.
Or we pick from a list in our heads.
Because these Values are not necessarily us.
They may just be the most appealing at the time.
Or the ones we’d like to ‘have’.
So, let’s run with them, they are better than nothing right?
Values need to be lived.
Shelf bought Values are easy to abide by in the good times –
but it’s in the challenging times that they may be tossed aside.
If your Values do not serve you in stressful situations;
If they are not how you would naturally respond; If you can’t live your Values at all times,
then you will give the message that you are NOT who you say you are.
You can’t be trusted to keep your word.
You will lose trust and respect.
A lot of the time, shelf bought Values are not even in our own language, so they don’t reflect our Brand Personality either.
With Values – I prefer an emergent approach.
I admit, it may take longer than just picking them off the shelf,
but, true Values, don’t come from looking outside, they come from looking within.
So how can we find them?
What you do, says more about who you are – than who you say you are.
I take you through an extended exploration of what you naturally do and are drawn to, to define your Brand Personality.
What I have found from 18 years facilitating businesses, is that through this process
themes rise to the surface. These emergent themes become your Values.
Your Personality attributes then serve to qualify the unique intention
and meaning of these Values for your business. So, your Values are unmistakably you.
That’s why uncovering your true Values is a process.
But if you do the exploration now – the Values you discover
can steadfastly reflect, guide and support you for the lifetime of your business.
And earn you trust and respect along the way.
Book a fun facilitation with your whole team, catch up with me for a coffee with your business partner for a personalised exploration of who you are as a business or download a copy of my book – Creating Brand Energy and take yourself through this exercise.
X Cath
Conscious Business
Integrate your truth