Your Values Hat Trick


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I like to use my Values like Edward de Bono’s’- Six Thinking Hats and bring each one of them out to contemplate with, when I have an issue.

My values are; explorative, natural, spiritual, creative and playful. So just imagine a hat for each value.

When finding a solution to an issue or guidance around how I should handle a situation, I think through the problem with each hat.  For example, how can I attract new customers, by being explorative, natural, spiritual, creative and playful?

When I am forced to use each value to help me find solutions to an issue, I find I come up with some very creative (some too creative), diverse and unique solutions. It gets me thinking outside of the box and addressing the issue from a range of different angles. This really brings hybrid vigour to my solutions.

The resolution then also reflects my values, so when actioned, further strengthens my brand and reputation.

If you think about problems in your old traditional ways, you may find you come up with the same old solutions.

Try your very own Values Hat Trick.

X Cath

Conscious Business
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