It’s not About Men and Women


It’s not about males and females.

It’s about us.

We all have masculine and feminine qualities within us –  as Carl Jung (Swiss Psychiatrist) defined, our inner masculine – animus and our inner feminine-anima.

As individuals, and as a community, it’s about finding balance.

There are women who have more masculine qualities and men who have more feminine qualities.

Masculine and feminine qualities are in all of us and we each have our own unique quota combination.

The rise of the feminine, in my view, isn’t just about empowering females, it’s about embracing and dialling up the feminine within all of us.

Realising that we have been operating in a very masculine, forthright, fast, domineering, action first – way.

It’s realising for us as individuals, as a family and as a global community, that we need to embrace the feminine within all of us.

We need to consciously activate more nurturing and caring and create space for reflection, measured consideration, perception and intuition.

Space for the emergent future to present.

Let’s not let empowering women, turn into a masculine style fight.

Let’s pause, rethink and analyse the stereotypes we are blindly and subconsciously living.

Our ideas of what a man is and what a woman is.

Let’s pause and understand the importance of balancing the masculine and feminine in us all, so, we can live our best, balanced lives and leave the planet a better place for it.


X Cath

Conscious Business

Integrate your truth



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