I Quit Business Sugar



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I love Sarah Wilsons’ I QUIT SUGAR.
I did the 8-week program and 3 years on I still have limited sugar.
After a while of being off sugar, you realise how ‘sweet’ natural sugars really are and you don’t want or need what you were once addicted to.

I think it’s the same for business.
We’ve become addicted to the thought that we are not enough.
We’ve been marketed to and persuaded to sugar coat what we do, to make it more appealing.

But what if we were to scrape off that icing and bare our authentic selves?
Apart from saving time and money from making and lathering on that extra sweet layer, I think we’ll find, if we are brave enough, that we’ll reveal and delight in the natural sweetness of our real business.

I think this is not only a cleaner, more compelling and transparent approach, but frankly, I believe that together with our clients, we’ll feel a whole lot better, long term.

X Cath

Conscious Business
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