
Even though I had a year on sabbatical in 2022, I did work with 2 clients facilitating them through their Conscious Business Blueprints. A new business networking group LYFTA, of which my husband James Sutherland is a co-founder and my yoga teacher, Helen Heppingstone’s brilliant presencing system for schools and corporates – unruffled.com. 2022 was […]
Positive Brand Energy

Positive Brand Energy Attracts Connects Energises Empowers Drives AND Fulfills Your market – your community, customers, stakeholders, suppliers, team, managers and directors (everyone who comes into contact with your business). Your positive Brand Energy adds value, particularly emotional value, to your product. By developing and nurturing your emotional value, you are developing and nurturing your […]
Don’t Let Your Mind Hide Yourself From Yourself

In the space behind the mind, that’s where we have access to our truth. Our conscious self. Our intuition. Our clarity. Our knowingness. Our strength. Our power.
Align your BEING with your DOING

When you align your BEING with your DOING you step into the flow of your business, turn up the vibrancy of your differentiation and business becomes a whole lot easier.