You’re at a networking event. The keynote speaker has finished and it’s now time to mingle. You know you ‘should’ be connecting with those in the room – because that’s what everyone does right? Well, that’s what a networking function is for, to network.
Instead, you make yourself look busy. Check your phone several times and pretend that the wilting pre-made sandwiches are particularly fascinating. Let’s be honest, you’d rather strike up a conversation about the latest episode of Married at First Sight over a glass of wine with a friend in the corner.
Well, if I met you at a function, I’d love to chat about Married at First Sight – loved that show. But what if I also asked you about your business? What are you going to say? Maybe there’s some lingering doubt as to what you do and how much value you offer? Are you still ironing out the precise details of your business and hoping that I don’t ask you what you charge or who you are working with?
“Hi, I’m Cath. Nice to meet you, what do you do?”
There it is.
Your opportunity to introduce your business and expand your network. A chance to drive traffic to your website, to grow your social following and have people eager to engage, collaborate and learn more.
So, what do you say?
You may talk about WHAT you do as a business, your products or services and what benefits you offer.
You could talk about WHO you are as a business.
Why you do business.
The Values that drive your business.
What makes your business different.
How you want others to feel when they experience your product.
And ultimately, what you want your business to contribute to. That you are using your business as a vehicle for good. And through your business you are contributing to the change you want to see in the world.
Wow. What would that feel like?
Freeing. Natural. Authentic.
We do business with people. With YOU. Start there.